Knit Season Has Started

7. October 2015 Basicapparel_blogger_fashion_newlook_paulsboutique_lespecs_knit_simmishoes





Knit – New Look  |  Jeans – Zara  |  Boots – Simmi *

Bag – Paul’s Boutique *  |  Watch – Breda  |  Jewelry – Artikel  |  Sunglasses – Lespecs

A week ago I was able to go out with bare legs and now I already need a big chunky knit (at least in the morning). I love the whole tucking in of your hair when you wear a turtleneck especially at the moment since my hair has the most awkward length. I would just like to try something new but don’t know whether to go for shorter or growing them a little longer for a change? Such a typical girl’s problem I guess.

Now let’s get back to today’s outfit for a second: I am wearing my New Look Knit out for the first time – I bought it in summer with some other grey autumn essentials (in my phase of I-want-autumn-NOW) and a good old pair of black skinny jeans. But the real eye catcher are definitely those killer boots they just make this outfit so much cooler and even though they are definitely not made for walking I am just in love with them!








All photos taken by Elyse Isebia.

"19" Comments

  1. Traumhaft schöne Fotos! Und bewunderswert dass du auf den Absätzen laufen kannst!^^

    Liebst, Bina

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Vielen Dank! Wie ich ja geschrieben habe; sind eher Stehschuhe 😉

  2. cooler monochromer Look!
    Pulli und Tasche sind total mein Ding hätt ich auch sehr gerne, diese Killerschuhe überlass ich aber dir, denn auf denen würd ich mich eh nur auf die Schnauze legen 😉

    LG Katrin

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Vielen Dank Katrin! Ja das sind auch wirklich super hohe Teile, also nix für ne Shopping Tour!

  3. Yay for knits! You seriously need to quit whatever you’re doing and become a Ralph Lauren model.

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Awwh thank you Kristina! xx

  4. Beautiful outfit, love your light blue knit, matches perfectly your striped bag!

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Thank you babe! The knit is actually grey but looks a little blueish on the photos haha xx

  5. That outfit is stunning! I absolutely love the sweater; so cosy!

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Thanks for stopping by Monique! xx

  6. love the whole look. the kit is gorgeous

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Thank you babe! And thank you for stopping by xx

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Hehe dankeschön 🙂

  7. Me encanta!!! El jersey es precioso al igual que el boldo 😉

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Thank you Maripaz xx

  8. Wow, sieht klasse aus !

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Vielen Dank Cyra 🙂

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