A boat cruse
26. June 2015
On our last day in Kemer we went on a boat cruse which was such a beautiful experience. This is also the last holiday post which makes me a little sad since it means that our holidays are really over now. I was still a little sick when we went on the boat and I was really glad that all the sun on the boat didn’t make me feel worse. At the end of the trip it started raining after a full day of sun and hot weather – the perfect refreshment! Oh and say hi to my heart tattoo and my oh so not trained summer body urgh.
I think the photos speak for themselves! The water had the most beautiful shades of blue and the little bays we stopped at for a dip were so nice and we were all for ourselves!
Wow, was für eine Aussicht! Die Bilder machen mich ganz neidisch! Und dein body lässt sich doch auf jeden Fall sehen, du siehst super aus!
Ach, ich freue mich auch schon auf meinem Urlaub, ich kann es kaum erwarten, endlich am Strand zu liegen!
Liebste Grüße,
Saskia <3 von
Ahh vielen Dank für deinen Lieben Kommentar Saskia! In 3 Wochen geht es bei mir auch nochmal nach Spanien 🙂