A Home Story: Part I
7. November 2017
Finally, I can share some interior content with you again – the benefits of moving places! I would love to post home stories all the time but I do feel like they get very repetitive if it’s always your home setting. Additionally, I am a person that once pieces have their place I don’t like to change them around all too much. Yours truly can be very resistant to change actually – I guess it’s the German heritage after all. There are still some bits and pieces I am waiting for (such as the most incredible clothing racks – more on those soon!). But I figured I would just share my new home with you in two steps.
Most pieces have been with me ever since I moved to Maastricht such as the metal sideboard (one of the best Ikea buys ever), my desk and my Eames chair. But I wanted to change things up a little therefore I added a shelve above my desk that is purely for decorative reasons. But I love the look of it and it holds my Taipei city map from mujumaps, which is a print that is very dear to me as it will always remind me my exchange semester and all the experiences I have had in the city. With the code “sophievandaniels10” you will be receiving 10% off your own map – in case you have a special city that would look great decorated in your own home. Under my window, I created a little space for some more prints and deco articles. The big golden mirror is actually not mine but it is growing on me and I feel like I am gonna keep it after all. I have also received so many compliments on it already that I can’t really change it anymore, right?
Sehr schöne Details, ganz nach meinem Geschmack – besonders dein Schreibtisch und das restliche Arrangement würde ich so sofort übernehmen!
Liebe Grüße
Luisa | Sparkly Inspiration
Gefällt mir meeega dein zu Hause! Mir geht’s gleich, sobald die Dinge mal ihr Plätzchen gefunden haben, bleiben sie dort. Doch brauche ich immer ziemlich lange, bis ich zufrieden bin mit allem 😉 Bin schon gespannt auf den zweiten Teil!
Liebst, Mirjam http://www.miiju.ch