Sunday Favorites – October

18. October 2015


October has been full of studying and breakdowns and the month is still not over yet… I thought I would share some things that definitely were a big upside for me in a stressful month (I am pretty sure they would also have been my favorites if it was a normal month).

I want to start with the gentlewoman magazine which is definitely one of my favorite magazines. The interviews and articles are for once actually really thrilling and it’s never only a one pager. Interviews will be a couple of pages so that you can actually gain a little inside into the person that is interviewed (at least I like to think that way).

I have spend most of my days in October in the library so my glasses (not on the photo because I had to wear them while taking the photo), my classic watch and some small jewelry have become my 3 best friends this month. You know me I don’t like to think about jewelry a lot so these small pieces are perfect for me.

The learning spaces of my University are terrible with air circulation and thats why I like to always wear a nice fragrance and the Byredo Gypsy Water is definitely my all time favorite fragrance – it’s also perfect for autumn & winter! Additionally I always carry a hand cream with me I don’t actually know why but while writing down a lot I just like to give my hands a quick break now and then. It also smells delicious!

In those beloved study breaks I like to actually paint my nails – yes I am the typical cliche (and I don’t care). I have found my beloved Essie Sand Tropez nail polish the other week and fell in love with it all over again. Definitely had to make it into my sunday favorites.


What are your autumn favorites? Do you have anything that you have been using all months?

"6" Comments

  1. So lovely pictures!

    Diana Cloudlet

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Thank you so much Diana xx

  2. perfect!

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      thank you hun x

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      thanks babe xx

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