The Barbican On Film
7. November 2019
I have a thing for big green glass houses better known for conservatories. Remember when I went a little crazy at the Cloud Forest in Singapore? Right, so one weekend in early October I was meant to go to Budapest but ended up in London. I spare you the details of that story but having to change my plans very last minute also meant having a weekend in London. That meant having no plans AT ALL, which usually isn’t the case. When I visit the weekend is packed with things and people. So this weekend was rather special to me cause we ended up visiting the Barbican which had been on my to do list for years now. It was really as special as I had imagined it to be and I would always go back again. The whole Barbican complex has a very eastern, grey concrete kinda feeling to it but honestly it is a beautiful place to visit and among the little free things to do in London.
Silk St
London EC2Y 8DS