Winter Blues

29. November 2015


How to overcome the winter blues?

I know all summer long I have been talking about autumn but what I have never really told you was I really dislike winter – why can’t we just hibernate as well? I don’t necessary like winter sports, I never get excited about snow and and I am also not delighted when temperatures drop to 0 (not even to mention my reaction to temperatures below 0). So this year I made a little list for myself that I want to work on during the colder months – to make them a little more enjoyable for me.


1.Spend one day in bed with chocolate and lots of coffee or tea and watch your favorite cheesy movies or TV shows once a months.

2. Go and see an art gallery or a museum – because you haven’t in ages!

3. Plan a city trip for spring. It will give you something to look forward to and it’s lots of fun!

4. Pick up a book instead of switching on the TV at night.

5. Go to a christmas market and drink hot wine and eat a chocolate crepe with your favorite people in the world.

6. Get rid of clothes that you don’t need – it’s like sorting out your life but a little easier.

7. Go out for a walk in the snow. It’s cold, it’s wet but eventually you will appreciate the beauty and quietness.


Oh and if you haven’t had enough of my over knee look yet I wrote a little guest blog post over at It was the first time I have ever written a blog post in German!

"24" Comments

  1. Great post, love it!

    Sunita |

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Thank you Sunita! x

  2. Perfect winter vibes. Love it!

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      thanks lily! xx

  3. Number 6 is honestly the best thing I’ve done. Getting rid of old clothes makes you feel so much lighter! Also, love your picture, the sweater is fabulous!

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Haha yes that point is still to be done though. But I really think it helps a lot xx

  4. Total süßes Foto!! Und toller Pulli! Ich mag den Winter auch nicht unbedingt, und mit Schnee kann man mich auch wenig begeistern. Ja, er sieht schön aus – wenn er mal liegen bleibt – aber halt nur aus dem Fenster zuhause! Draußen ist es dann viel zu kalt ^^
    Und zum Shooten ist es im Winter eh ein Graus :/

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Vielen Dank! Das ist glaube ich mein aller wärmster Pulli! Ja Schnee ist ja ganz hübsch aber halt auch nur wenn man ihn von drinnen beobachten darf. <3

  5. I just discovered your blog and I am loving everything about it!
    It all looks so cosy, thanks for the inspiration!

    X Merel

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Ahh thank you Merel 🙂 Hope you will be coming back xx

  6. Number 5 is what I’m going to do as soon as I arrive in France for xmas 🙂
    What are your favourite cheesy movies? I like Bridget Jones’s Diary and Love Actually (they might be in the Christmas movie category). I’m sure I’m forgetting a lot of other cheesy movies I like, those 2 just pop up first.

    Ps: these waffles look tasty!

    Aurelie |

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Ahh nothing quite compares to the German Christmas market – you need to go once in your life! Ohh I absolutely love the Holiday with Jude Law – ultimate cheesy christmas movie. Additionally, disney movies are always a good idea I guess! xx

      1. Yes I know you guys are so famous for that, our christmas markets are ridiculous compare to yours. The best one in France is in Strasbourg but I’m from Toulouse (south) so it’s definitely smaller.
        Disney movie for sure but I watch animated movie all the time ahaha
        Did you watch Big Hero 6? I just watched it last month and it was fun.

      2. sophievandaniels says:

        I think Christmas markets are beautiful everywhere but whenever I go here in the Netherlands I compare it with the ones I know from Germany and they just cannot compete. I think it’s mainly because of the typical German food that I always miss at foreign Christmas markets. Back to the movies, me too actually. I have watched big hero 6 at least half a dozen times already. I reaaaally love disney movies haha. xx

  7. Ich bin auch kein soooo großer Kälte Fan. Weihnachten und das drum und dran ja, aber bitte keine Kälte. Wir haben uns vorgenommen, dass wir nächstes Jahr im Dezember oder Januar ins Warme fliegen 🙂
    Liebe Grüße, Fiona

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Oh ja das hatten wir dieses Jahr schon überlegt. Klappt aber wegen der Uni bei mir mal wieder nicht. Und nächstes Jahr um diese Zeit bin ich dann evtl auch schon auf dem Weg ins Ausland 🙂

  8. Alanda says:

    Totally agree with this post babe, especially going to the art gallery they are the best places for inspiration!!


    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Yes I really haven’t been in ages and it’s always so nice to go there and come pack with lots n lots of new ideas! xo

  9. Yes!! Im Bett bleiben ist einfach die beste Alternative, wenn das Wetter draußen mal wieder gruselig ist. Dazu ne Pizza bestellen oder Kekse und Tee genießen, könnte mir nichts schöneres vorstellen.

    Tolle Vorschläge! Hab eine tolle Woche!

    Ricarda von CATS & DOGS

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Ahh yes! Ich freue mich immer wenn ich höre, dass andere Mädels das genauso sehen und ich nicht der einzige Foodie bin. Vielen Dank fürs vorbeischauen 🙂

  10. Wenn es draussen kalt wird bleibe ich auch am besten im Bett. Es gibt echt nichts besseres…


    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Das sehe ich ganz genauso 🙂

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Merci 🙂

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