The Nighttimer

20. December 2015




Today is a special day – a premiere so they say. I am showing you my first stop motion video on basicapparel featuring a beautiful time pieces from SMUKKET, an upcoming German watch label. Their watches are a dream for all of you who love clean and timeless designs – the packaging is on point as well (the video is proof enough right?). Besides, they take the saying black is the new black very serious; all their timepieces come in black with either black, gold or silver highlights. You can get your own timepiece online with 15% of using the code BASICAPPAREL15 until the end of 2015.

But now lets get back to the making of the video. When the package arrived at my doorstep last week it already felt a little like christmas. I didn’t open it until just before the video shoot, which I waited with until this weekend after my exams were all written (and passed!). I first thought about making an actual video but I liked the effect of a stop motion video more, especially because I  thought it makes you feel like you are unboxing the package and not me!  I am still quite shy in front of the camera so for this time I chose not to include my face or my voice. How do youtubers do it? If you know any secrets let me know in the comments! I might start with talking to you guys on my snapchat account as a practice (you can find me under sophievedaniels). Even though was a great challenge to produce this little video for this special blog post  I think I could really get used to making more videos for you guys  meaning this might not be the last time you see a video on here.





In friendly cooperation with SMUKKETT xx

"21" Comments

  1. Die Uhr sieht so schön aus! 🙂

    Liebe Grüße,
    Jana von bezauberndenana.de

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Vielen Dank liebe Jana 🙂

  2. Eine tolle Uhr! Gefällt mir sehr.
    Katharina || ktinka.com

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Dankeschön! Ich trage sie auch wirklich nonstop 🙂

  3. Really enjoyed this post love! The watch design is beautiful and extremely elegant! This video would have been an excellent gif, but I totally understand that you ‘d like to build your youtube page! Have a beautiful Sunday!

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Thank you babe! Yes I have been wanting to feature a video for ages now 🙂 have a wonderful holiday x

  4. love it! such a gorgeous watch

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Thank you Lily! Have a wonderful holiday xx

  5. Die uhr ist ein Traum *-*

    LG, Jules

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Dankeschön Jules! Ich wünsche dir frohe Weihnachten 🙂

  6. This is perfect, so minimal and chic!

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Thanks babe xx

  7. Wundervolle Uhr ! Beim Anschauen des Videos will ich sie sofort selbst auch auspacken und anziehen 😉

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Vielen Dank! Ja genau das hatte ich mir erhofft 🙂

  8. Es schaut so toll aus!



    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Vielen Dank Chiara x

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Thank you Filipa! Have a lovely christmas holiday xx

  9. Die sieht echt toll aus. Vor einer Woche hatte ich auch noch ne schöne komplett-schwarze Uhr, die ich dann leider verloren habe 😉
    Liebe Grüße, Fiona THEDASHINGRIDER.com

    1. sophievandaniels says:

      Oh nein! So ein Mist! Ich hoffe ich verliere dieses Exemplar niemals 🙂 Frohe Weihnachten x

  10. Wunderschöne Uhr – so was von minimalistisch!
    x. Mirjam


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